As a growing company we recognise the impact our activities can have and we work hard to ensure we are continually implementing the most environmentally friendly methods to every aspect of our work. As a result, we have introduced a programme of continuous improvement. We work to:
Best Available Technique Not Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC) in all its activities
- Improve the company’s environmental awareness by education and training;
- Plan and design to use materials more efficiently and reduce the emissions of waste, assess the environmental impact of all historic, current and likely future operations, including efficient use of fuel and miles per gallon
- Strive towards a reduction in the use of energy supplies, sourcing possible alternative environmentally efficient power sources that are economical and suitable
- Develop buildings, plant and machinery to give the best performance with minimal environmental impact;
- Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of; and
- Review our policy annually and amend if necessary
We began to implement our policy in 2009 with the introduction of our new ‘sloped’ double deck trailers. First added to our long haul trunking fleet, these trailers are aerodynamically designed to save 8% of fuel use. One of our biggest goals is to reduce our carbon footprint. By eliminating all unnecessary vehicle idling we have successfully reduced idling time significantly, saving a massive 200 litres of fuel per day!
Since then, email has changed to our preliminary form of communication, as well as all electronic communication requesting users to consider the environment, small changes that have had a great impact in reducing our environmental impact. We partner with like-minded companies, to ensure our efforts remain unanimous.